Today we slept in after our late night in Paris. We went to the supermarche called Auchon, a huge supermarket about 5 minutes away. After stocking up (H and T got two huge chocolate and strawberry desserts for later in the day), we hopped on the RER and headed back into Paris. We went to the Louvre - Gram and Pappa went to the Dinan section and saw the Mona Lisa and Winged Victory. We went in the other direction, having explored Dinan last year. We found a great room full of French sculptures and T did some sketching. H led us to a section about the history of the Louvre where we got to walk around the original moat and into the dungeon. After a quick walk in the Tuilleries gardens, we hopped on the Metro and went to Ile de la Cite where we saw Notre Dame. After a break with some ice cream, we headed home for a homemade dinner of Gnocci followed by the fancy deserts we bought earlier. The girls finished the day with a dip in the pool. We're looking forward to our trip to Normandy tomorrow morning!
1 comment:
Looks like your family is having a great time and taking in as much culture as possible. I hope to see more pictures when you return!
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