We packed up and headed south by car back to Verona - an easy 2 hour drive. Without much trouble we found the trainstation, dumped the car and caught a taxi to our hotel. While Rick Steves has made great recommendations so far, and this was one of his highest rated hotels in Verona - none of us were very impressed. Turns out, one nice feature is a local internet hotspot which we are using now! It is also steps from the ancient roman colliseum (the 3rd largest in the roman world). We hit the pavement and got lunch followed by a walking tour of the city. We climbed the tower at Piazza Erbe, were grossed out by the tunnel coated with gum and messages leading to the balcony of Juliet, saw an ancient roman ampitheater and went to a great museum in the old castle by the river. After a soda on the way back, we took a break at the hotel and caught up on e-mail and blogging. We'll head back to the plaza for dinner. The girls had a nice day, but we are all eager to settle in to 1 place in tuscany for a break this next week.
Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You!
We were going to try Skype to call you but its toooooo late!! Know you will always remember your 13th birthday in Verona. We are so proud of our granddaughters and love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, and one to grow on - love you!
Nama and Dadad
Let's sing a song-
Happy birthday to [us],
Happy birthday to [us],
Happy birthday dear Tirion, Haley [and Rose],
Happy birthday to [us]!!!
Yay!!!!! I'll give you a card in Virginia Beach!
Much love,
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